Helping Businesses Blossom

Murcom Provides a Unified E-wallet that brings together a seamless payments experience for users. This is achieved by providing mobile issuing and acquiring capabilities to our financial institution partners.
The solution enables the financial institutions to achieve the following:
Eco-system development due to increased client interaction with the offered financial products.
Lower cost acquiring due to cloud based payment processing.
Higher alternative revenue through new transaction driving products such as, P2P payments, E-Commerce, E-cards, etc.
Data Analytics enables better products using analysis.

We provide chatbots that are powered using Artificial intelligence and can be accessed by the end-users through the most popular messaging platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp. This solution makes it easy for business with large customer bases such as banks, telecoms and utilities to easily serve their customers using our intelligent assistant on social media.

Our digital ID wallet enables citizens to store their credentials in a digital format that offers complete control over their personal data, with the freedom to decide exactly what information to share, with whom, and when. At the same time, it provides authorities with the opportunity to create companions for physical identity documents that are straightforward to issue, manage and verify, delivering a powerful tool to fight ID fraud, reduce red tape and boost efficiency.

Our rent collection platform enables landlords to easily manage their properties. the platform enables our users to manage various aspects of their properties such as  occupancy rates, transaction history, pricing and profitability.